Rolf and nei's Genesis

Demo Preview


Naflign the Musk Cat

The Title Screen

Look at the cute Nei women!

Naflign sure knows how to choose title pics.

The map

The map graphics are just like that of the Phantasy Star series. Here, Neifirst escapes captivity from the scientists. She searches the lab for an exit.

But the emphasis on this demo (Only I and a few others have it for now, but soon available to all of you also when it is complete) is the combat system. It is very much like the Phantasy Star series (PS 4) fights. Even the animation!

You gotta see it to believe it!

If one can only see how the animation in the fight scenes move, it is quite impressive! Even on my 486! The magic (technique) system is functional (only one technique at this time) and there are also skills (only one at this time) and even macros! (Not yet implemented.)

PS Rolf and Nei's Genesis is in a very pre-demo stage. I have high hopes for this one. Graphics are top notch. As soon as it is released you'll here about it here!

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